I want to serve!

How can I help?

  • Nursery Care - Share your love for children by helping in the nursery once a month during the worship service. We still need one more volunteer each week, one of whom can be a teen.
  • Tech Team - Are you looking for a “behind the scenes” way to serve at Oxlip Church? The tech team is an important part of our worship services for those attending in person and watching online. We are looking for people to learn the sound board, computer for lyrics, and cameras for live streaming. Training is available on Thursday evenings during rehearsal, with ample opportunity to hone your skills. Time commitment is one Thursday evening and one Sunday morning per month.
  • Children's Sunday School - Preschool Teacher /Helper
  • Children's Sunday School - Kindergarten through 2nd Grade  Teacher/Helper
  • Children's Sunday School - 3rd - 5th Grade Teacher/Helper
  • Awana Cubbies Leader
  • Awana Sparks Leader
  • Awana T&T Leader
  • Teen Plugged In Team - We need 2 or 3 people for our Plugged In teams.  Beginning  in September and throughout the school year, senior high teens will meet Sunday evenings.  Middle school teens meet on Wednesday evening.  Both teams need 1-2 more helpers.
  • Hospitality/Greeter Team - 

Volunteer Signup Form

Volunteers are a vital part of our church community. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to bless others with these gifts. Serving is a great way to get and stay connected. Complete the form below and we'll be in touch with you.