
Oxlip Church is a place where people can meet Jesus and engage in life-giving community. We gather to hear God’s Word together, encounter Christ, and discover how to use our gifts for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday service!

Sunday Morning Worship - 9am

A typical service will last about 75 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups.

Coffee Fellowship

Plan to hang around after the service for coffee fellowship and meeting new people, followed by Christian Education hour.

Christian Education Hour - 10:45am

Children, youth, and adult classes. We have something for everyone! Keep scrolling to find out more.

Sunday Christian Education


Childcare during the worship service
Baby Nursery
A quiet space for nursing, snuggles, and nap time. Not staffed.
Room 205

0-3 years. Staffed during the service, from 9am to 10:15am.
Upstairs hallway on left

The Gospel Project
Preschool: The Clubhouse
(upstairs in the Bradford building)

Kindergarten - 5th Grade: Potter's Shed
(downstairs in the Bradford building)


Sunday Mornings at 10:45am
6th - 8th Grade
The  GOSPEL Project
Kim Aleckson - Youth Building
Students grades 6-8 will take a three year tour through Scripture chronologically from Genesis to Revelation.  Our aim is to see how Christ connects with all of Scripture.  Students will see the big picture of what God is doing throughout redemptive history and how it relates to them.

9th - 12th Grade (6th - 12th through October)
James Larson - Youth Building
Topical units to engage and challenge students grades 9-12 to view their world through a biblical perspective.


Judges of the Bible
Before kings, God’s people were lead by judges. Judges ruled during a time of Israel’s moral and spiritual corruption, allowing surrounding  pagan beliefs and practices to influence their lives.
This study will examine the time of the judges and how they were used by God to deliver the Israelites from ensuing sin…but the cycle continued, even touching the lives of the judges!
But God is faithful to His people and keeps His promises even during this time of disobedience. There is much to glean and reflect upon in our own lives. Thank you Lord for Your patience!
Facilitated by Kari Larson
Room: 201

Ezra and Nehemiah
A men's study  exploring Ezra and Nehemiah. These books tell the story of the Israelites returning from exile, rebuilding their city, and helping people believe in God again. These stories/books show the importance for men today to learn how to be strong, faithful leaders in overcoming challenges.
Facilitated by Winston Waligora
 Room 105

The Psalms
As we reflect on the Psalms, the verses we read begin to resonate with something deep inside of us; to beckon to us and move us in ways unique to this portion of Scripture.  What gives the Psalms their significance and majesty? Of what importance is this ancient book to New Testament believers in our time?  
Come explore the Psalms with us, as we read and discuss how God continues to speak to his people through these ancient texts
Facilitated by Tim Ziegler
Room 110 (Conference Room )

The Genealogy of Jesus
From Adam and Eve to Joseph and Mary, dive into the compelling lives within Jesus’ family tree. Deepen your understanding of how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of Messiah’s ancestry and how God keeps His promises throughout the generations despite their weaknesses.
Facilitated by Clay Larson
Room: 203

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