from him, through him,
and to him are all things
Romans 11:36

We believe that every person who visits Oxlip will sense our desire to seek after God and glorify Him.  We desire that you come to hear Christ's Word and know him as he has revealed Himself in Scripture. We're also eager to know you and excited to share with you the marvelous ways God is working in our church.

Latest Sermon

Worship at Oxlip is a fun blend of heartfelt singing, expository preaching from the Bible, and family activities. Our awe of who God is increases as we worship together, singing stirs our heart with spiritual fire, and God continues to transform our lives.  Teaching from God's Word helps us pursue all the fullness of God, grow in maturity, and encourages the use of spiritual gifts in the life of the Church.


From small groups to weekend meetups, Sunday school to S.A.I.L. (55+ exercise class), we have dozens of opportunities for people to gather together in community weekly as we encourage one another in our devotion to Christ. 

Sunday Mornings

Worship - 9am
Coffee Fellowship - 10:15am
Sunday School and Adult Education - 10:45am


It won't take you long to discover this is truly a family with rich relationships that matter most. Growing together, we worship, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn, and we reach out to our world with life-transforming truth. If you've been praying and searching for a church that places a high priority on scripture & godly relationships, we invite you to worship with us!

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